46,000 bulbs, 8 Chickens, and 1 Baby!

Hello Farm Folk,

It’s been quite the summer for this farmer.  On July 7th, we got 8 chickens for our backyard!  Reliably, the flock produces 7 or 8 eggs daily, and it feels great that our family is a little more self-sufficient.  They also create great fertilizer for the gardens! Caring for the chickens is a wonderful activity to do with our four-year-old daughter Ayla, and we love having them around.  And did you know that kids who grow up around farm animals typically have healthier immune systems, and are less likely to develop allergies and asthma than the average child?

On August 8th, we completed the 12th Annual Garlic Harvest, with a grand total of 46,000 bulbs.  We harvested 23 varieties in total, and this is the best looking crop since the creation of The Global Garlic Project in 2005. If you are interested to get some for planting, eating, or for gifts, you can place your garlic order now.

And the biggest news?  On June 29th, my amazing wife Terri Segal gave birth to a 7Lb 4oz perfect baby girl. Once again, Terri nailed the labour, having a natural birth at home. Despite my pleading and begging, Terri would not agree to name the baby Garly.  Can you believe it?  I would have petitioned for Garlo, if it had been a boy.  In the end, we went with Hannah Jude Segal Hoffmann. Or Garly for short.

Hannah, Ayla, Terri, the chickens, our 46,000 bulbs of garlic, and I want to wish you a wonderful rest of the summer, and we hope to see you on the farm soon!

Keep Livin’ on the Veg!

