Garlic Planting Tips
Hello Farm Folk, Interested in growing your own garlic crop? Here are some basic garlic growing instructions. And here are my Top 5 Tips for Growing Fantastic Organic Garlic: Before planting, add LOTS OF COMPOST. By integrating a high quantity of compost into your garlic bed before planting, you are not ...

Growing BIG Garlic
Hello Garlic Lovers, Interested in growing your own garlic crop this season? We'd love to help! In Southern Ontario, we plant garlic during October, and harvest in July/August. Here's some basic garlic growing instructions. When selecting garlic for planting, the most important factor is the quality of the seed. Seed garlic ...

GARLIC TIME!!! Pre-Order Now
Hello Farm Folk, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 10 varieties and 100 total bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg now grows tens of thousands of bulbs annually, and 24 different varieties of garlic. This year, our crop of 50,000+ ...

Volunteer on our Organic Farm
Hello Farm Folk, March is almost over and the farming season is upon us! Are you looking for a way to enrich your quality of life while making a difference in the community? Are you interested in volunteering on an organic farm this year? Helping out on the farm is a ...

Farm Talk: The 10 Minute Rule
Hello Farm Folk, The farm may be blanketed in snow, but that doesn't mean this farmer is lazing around! November and December are quieter months...a chance to catch up on sleep, family time, and alone time. But, once January hits, it's go time! A farmers' job description can be divided ...

GARLIC TIME! Pre-order Now
Hello Farm Folk, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 10 varieties and 100 total bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg now grows tens of thousands of bulbs annually, and 24 different varieties of garlic. This year, our crop of 48,000+ ...

Farm Talk: The Raindance
Hello Farm Folk, Over the last couple weeks, we've been blessed with well-timed rains. Farmers are funny, when it comes to rain. We want it exactly at the right moment. We don't want it when we're working in the fields, but we want it the moment we head inside. We ...

Growing BIG Garlic
Hello fellow Garlic Geeks, Interested in growing your own garlic crop this season? We'd love to help! In Southern Ontario, we plant garlic during October, and harvest in July/August. Here's some basic garlic growing instructions. When selecting garlic for seed, the most important factor is the quality of the seed. Seed ...

GARLIC TIME!!! Pre-Order Now
Hello Farm Folk, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 10 varieties and 100 total bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg now grows tens of thousands of bulbs annually, and 24 different varieties of garlic. This year, our crop of 45,000+ ...

Where to get your 2021 Local, Organic Veg
Hello Farm Folk, Harvest time is here and it's time to think about where you will get your share of the local, organic harvest this year. Here are some great options: Weekly Food Basket There are tons of great options of farms and organizations providing weekly baskets of fresh, local produce. ...

Growing Social & Environmental Justice — Greenest City
Hello Farm Friends, During 2020, The Cutting Veg is dedicating one farmers' market per month in support of Black agricultural initiatives and organizations doing work to serve marginalized communities. Last month we raised $1300 for the Afri-Can Food Basket,(AFB) at Sorauren Farmers' Market, and thank you to those of you ...

Cultivating Racial Justice — Afri-Can Food Basket
Hello Farm Friends, During 2020, The Cutting Veg is dedicating one farmers' market per month in support of Black agricultural initiatives and organizations doing work to serve marginalized communities. Last month we raised $800+ for Black Creek Community Farm, at Sorauren Farmers' Market, and many of you responded to our ...

Fight Racism — Support Black Creek Community Farm
Hello Farm Friends, During 2020, The Cutting Veg is dedicating one farmers' market per month in support of Black agricultural initiatives and organizations doing work to serve marginalized communities. Last month we raised $700+ for FoodShare, at Sorauren Farmers' Market, and many of you responded to our newsletter by donating ...

GARLIC TIME!!! Pre-Order Now
Hello Farm Folk, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 10 varieties and 100 total bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg now grows tens of thousands of bulbs annually, and 24 different varieties of garlic. This year, due to COVID-19, we ...

Today’s Anti-Racist Action
Hello Farm Friends, You haven't heard from me recently. I have been self reflecting and listening. I've been listening...to nature, to the people I come across, to myself. From all my listening over the last several months, I have heard two key messages: Keep Listening Oppression and racial inequality is something we ...

Hello Farm Folk,It's nearly time for The Cutting Veg 15th Annual Garlic Planting! Please join us on the farm on Sunday, October 6th, between 7:30am & 4pm to help us begin this process. Please rsvp to daniel@thecuttingveg.com, and mention what day you want to come, and if you need directions ...

Growing Large Garlic
Hello fellow Garlic Geeks,Interested in growing your own garlic crop this season? We'd love to help!In Southern Ontario, we plant garlic during October, and harvest in July/August. Here's some basic garlic growing instructions. When selecting garlic for seed, the most important factor is the quality of the seed. Seed garlic should ...

2 More Days For Early Bird Garlic Bonus
Hello Garlic Lovers, The garlic harvest is about to begin! Thanks to a great combination of sun and rain this season, our garlic looks robust & healthy, and we're excited to start to harvest our 53,000 bulbs! We currently have 23 varieties in cultivation and 17 available for purchase: Polish, ...

14th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 4 & 5 – Join Us!
14th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 4 & 5 - Join Us! Hello Farm Folk, It's time for the 14th Annual Garlic Harvest, and we've got 53,000 bulbs of Persian, Korean, Italian, Russian, Israeli and 18 other varieties to harvest and hang in the barn to cure! Please join us for ...

Hello Garlic Lovers! It's garlic scape time, and we have 50,000 or so looking for a home! We're offering them free to all of our garlic customers and volunteers. Want 10? 100? 1000? They can be picked up at the farm (Sundays, 8am-3pm), or Sorauren Farmers' Market (3-7pm). If you ...

Plant A Clove On Us: Free Seed Garlic
Hello fellow Garlic Geeks, We have planted 45,000+ cloves of garlic so far, and have another couple thousand to go. I can see that we're going to have some extra seed garlic when we're done. Want to plant a couple of cloves of a couple different varieties? We're on a ...

Join us for THE 14TH ANNUAL GARLIC PLANTING – Oct 7th & 8th
Hello Farm Folk, It's nearly time for The Cutting Veg 14th Annual Garlic Planting! Starting with 100 bulbs in 2005, we have grown to an annual crop of 40-53,000! Please join us on the farm on Sunday, October 7th, and/or Monday October 8th, between 7:30am & 4pm to help us begin this ...

Garlic Planting Tips
Hello Farm Folk, Interested in growing your own garlic crop? Here are some basic garlic growing instructions. And here are my Top 5 Tips for Growing Fantastic Organic Garlic: Before planting, add LOTS OF COMPOST. By integrating a high quantity of compost into your garlic bed before planting, you are not ...

Garlic Geek Speaks: Why I Love Polish Garlic
Hello Garlic Lovers! On the farm we grow approximately 23 varieties of garlic. People often ask me which is my favourite one. I have different favourites for different reasons. The Cuban and Rose de Lautrec are so special because of their beauty. The Ukranian and the Persian delight because of their extra ...

Do Not Buy OUR Local, Organic Garlic
Here are some options in Ontario: Newmarket Garlic is Great Festival - This Saturday, August 18th Toronto Garlic Festival - September 16th Your Local Farmers' Market Stratford Garlic Festival - September 8th & 9th The Cutting Veg - Alright, fine. You can get some of ours too. Ontario grows great garlic. It's the best. ...

2 More Days For Early Bird Garlic Bonus
Hello Garlic Lovers, The garlic harvest is underway! We have harvested some of our earlier varieties, and so far, the harvest is looking great! In spite of the prolonged drought we had in June and the first half of July, the garlic has sized up nicely, thanks to the straw ...

13th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 5 & 6 – Join Us!
Hello Farm Folk, It's time for the 13th Annual Garlic Harvest, and we've got 52,000 bulbs of Persian, Korean, Italian, Russian, Israeli and 18 other varieties to harvest and hang in the barn to cure! Please join us for the garlic harvest on Sunday, August 5th, and/or Monday, Aug 6th (Civic Holiday) from 7:30am-4pm. And note that ...

GARLIC TIME!!! Pre-Order Now
Hello Garlic Lovers, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 100 bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg garlic crop has soared to an anticipated harvest of 52,000 bulbs this season! Thanks to a nice mix of sun, rain, and fantastic soil, our ...

This month’s feature recipe comes from Rose Reisman! A few words from Rose: This is my version of paella—a rice, sausage and seafood dish originating in Spain. The key to this dish is the arborio rice, which gives it a wonderful creamy texture. I also love upping the garlic factor ...

Where to get your 2018 Local, Organic Veg
Hello Farm Folk, Spring is here and it's time to think about where you want to get your share of the local, organic harvest this year. Here are some great options: ClearWater Farm's Weekly Food Basket With a mission to inspire young children to appreciate and love nature, ClearWater Farm created ...

This month’s feature recipe comes from Chef Rocco Agostino! Marinara pizza is an authentic Neapolitan style pizza recipe protected under DOP, and is cheeseless so it highlights the fresh herbs and GARLIC, which are pinnacle ingredients to this authentic pie! What you need: 275 grams - dough ball 4.5 ounces - tomato sauce ...

Volunteer on an Organic Farm!!!
Hello Farm Folk, March is here and farming season is upon us! Are you looking for a way to enrich your quality of life while making a difference in the community? Are you interested in volunteering on an organic farm this year? Helping out on the farm is a great opportunity ...

Feature Recipe: Jerk Tofu, Avocado and Plantain Wraps from Doug McNish!
This month's feature recipe comes from Chef Doug McNish! A few words from Doug: As a chef, I love garlic! It adds amazing, robust depth of flavour to dishes and is a warming addition to any meal. Garlic is versatile having both delicious cooked and raw applications. As a chef who is ...

Farm Talk: Our 10 Year Anniversary
Hello Farm Folk, It's hard to believe...The Cutting Veg was launched ten years ago. It's been an incredibly full and rewarding decade, highlighted by the remarkable community involvement throughout. Whether you've been an on-farm volunteer or intern, a participant in the Global Garlic Project, helped with our condo community gardens, received ...

Garlic Geek Speaks: 52,000 Cloves!
Hello Farm Folk, It takes a community to plant a garlic crop. Starting on Thanksgiving weekend, it took us 6 days to plant and mulch 52,000 cloves, and 23 varieties, of garlic! But the teamwork began long before we put the first clove in the ground. So, THANK YOU to the entire Global ...

Garlic Planting Tips/Last Call for Ordering Garlic
Hello Farm Folk, In a few days, we will be closing down our garlic store for the season. We are nearly sold out and have just a few Variety Packs, Gift Bags, and Ugly Garlic Bags remaining. All of these items offer garlic that is perfect for both eating and ...

Join us for THE 13TH ANNUAL GARLIC PLANTING – Oct 8th & 9th
Hello Farm Folk, It's nearly time for The Cutting Veg 13th Annual Garlic Planting! Starting with 100 bulbs in 2005, we have grown to an annual crop of 40-45,000. Please join us on the farm on Sunday, October 8th, and/or Monday October 9th, between 7:30am & 4pm to help us begin this ...

Garlic Geek Speaks: My Love/Hate Relationship with Rose de Lautrec Garlic
Hello Farm Folk, I first started hearing about Rose de Lautrec garlic in 2011. Originating in Lautrec, France, this garlic variety was supposed to be the most beautiful garlic around. "What nonsense", I thought. "Nothing can compete with the elegant beauty of Persian garlic." And as if it is as beautiful as ...

Feature Recipe: Pasta Alio e Olio from Paolo Lavalle!
This month's feature recipe comes from Paolo Lavalle of Frall Foods! A few words from Paolo: This is an extremely popular dish and a staple in any Italian's diet! Pasta Alio e Olio translates to Pasta Garlic & Oil. Of course, the quality of the garlic determines how great this will taste ...

Garlic Geek Speaks: Why I love Northern Quebec Garlic
Hello Farm Folk, I've always been fascinated by the math of growing garlic. TRIVIA: If you started with 1 bulb of Persian garlic to plant, how many bulbs could you have after 6 years? ANSWER: Lets say that each bulb of garlic has 7 cloves on average. So, at garlic planting time, ...

46,000 bulbs, 8 Chickens, and 1 Baby!
Hello Farm Folk, It's been quite the summer for this farmer. On July 7th, we got 8 chickens for our backyard! Reliably, the flock produces 7 or 8 eggs daily, and it feels great that our family is a little more self-sufficient. They also create great fertilizer for the gardens! ...

46,000 Bulbs Harvested! 2 More Days For Early Bird Garlic Bonus
Hello Garlic Lovers, Thanks to 40+ volunteers we harvested 25,000 bulbs of organic garlic on Sunday and Monday. The garlic harvest is now complete, and we have 46,000 bulbs now curing in the barn! And it is clearly the best looking crop we have had since The Global Garlic Project was launched ...

I have a Garlic Dream
Hello Farm Folk, I started farming in year 2000. It was then that I discovered that there are so many different varieties of garlic, and then that I had the vision for the Global Garlic Project. Grow 40-50,000 bulbs of organic garlic from countries across the world to promote community ...

GARLIC TIME!!! Pre-Order Now
Hello Garlic Lovers, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic! Starting with 100 bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg garlic crop has soared to an anticipated harvest of 45,000 bulbs this season! Based on the success of last year's crop, we've once again planted our ...

12th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 6 & 7 – Join us!
Hello Farm Folk, It's time for the 12th Annual Garlic Harvest, and we've got 45,000 bulbs of Persian, Korean, Italian, Russian, Israeli and 18 other varieties to harvest and hang in the barn to cure! Please join us for the garlic harvest on Sunday, August 6th, and/or Monday, Aug 7, 2017 (Civic Holiday) from 7:30am-4pm. And ...

GARLIC POETRY, by Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann
Close to the Ground Creation theology...is interested in the nature of nature, and the nature of humanity, and the interplay between the two of them. ──Ellen Bernstein. p. 42 Creation Theology in New Jewish Feminism. Probing the Past. Forging the Future. Ed. Rabbi Elyse Goldstein All of it. The dried ...

Free Bulb of Russian Garlic
Hello Garlic Lovers!I am on a mission to encourage people to eat and grow local, organic garlic. Thus, I will offer a free bulb of Russian Garlic (to anyone who will come to the farm to get it) to sample or plant (or both!). Interested? Contact daniel@thecuttingveg.com to arrange to ...

Free Bulb of Persian Garlic
Hello Garlic Lovers!I am on a mission to encourage people to eat and grow local, organic garlic. Thus, I will offer a free bulb of Persian Garlic (to anyone who will come to the farm to get it) to sample or plant (or both!). Interested? Contact daniel@thecuttingveg.com to arrange to get ...

Join us for the 10th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 2nd & 3rd
Hello Farm Folk, It's time for the 10th Annual Garlic Harvest, and we've got approximately 40,000 bulbs of Persian, Korean, Italian, Russian, Israeli and 14 other varieties to harvest and hang in the barn to cure! Please join us for the garlic harvest on Sunday, August 2nd, and/or Monday, Aug ...

Update on your 2015 Garlic Crop
Hello Garlic Lovers, We wanted to share the exciting news that the 2015 Garlic Crop is looking spectacular! 40,000 bulbs are growing on the farm in Sutton, and they're big and beautiful! We're growing 17 different varieties this year, and 12 will be available to growers and eaters alike: Israeli, ...
Rural & Urban Farming Volunteer Opportunities
Hello Farm Folk, Interested in playing an active role on an organic farm this year? We have opportunities to help out on both our rural and urban farms!At our rural farm in Sutton, ON, volunteer activities include a combination of planting, weeding, harvesting, preparing veg for market, plant care, etc ...
Farm Talk: Everyday Heroes like YOU
Farm Update from Farmer Daniel The snow is melting on the farm, and April is fast approaching. We've planted as early as April 6th on the farm, which means....we could be planting in under 3 weeks! I imagine most farmers are filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation at ...
The 10th Annual Garlic Planting
Hello Farm Folk,It's time for The Cutting Veg 10th Annual Garlic Planting! Staring with 100 bulbs in 2005, we have grown our crop into the tens of thousands, with the goal of planting 30,000 cloves this fall! Please join us on the farm on Sunday, October 12th, and/or Monday October ...
Three Truths and a Lie (about Terri & Daniel)
Guess which one is the lie! 1.Terri has never done farm work for more than 30 minutes in a row-but she can drum at the farm all day. 2.After drumming with Terri for almost 9 years, Daniel still can't play one complete rhythm! 3.Daniel and Terri use farming and music ...
Farm Talk: The Garlic Story
I fell in love with growing garlic during 2000 --- my first year of farming. Like everyone else, I was a little stunned to learn there are so many different varieties of garlic. Five years later, The Cutting Veg launched The Global Garlic Project in order to promote seed diversity, ...
Pre-Order your Local, Organic Garlic
Hello Garlic Lovers, It's that time of year again --- time to pre-order your local, organic garlic!Starting with 100 bulbs in 2005, The Cutting Veg garlic crop has soared to an anticipated harvest of 25,000+ bulbs this season. Having managed the crop over the last ten seasons, with an eye ...
Farm Talk: Growing Veggies, Growing People
Farm Update From Farmer Daniel "Growing Veggies, Growing People" has long been a slogan for The Cutting Veg. But, in truth, we do neither. As an organic farmer, I know that I can't make veggies grow...I can only provide an optimal environment in which plants can grow themselves. And as ...
Farm Talk: The Joy of Farming
FARM UPDATE My love for farming grew immeasurably this season. My approach to the season? Plant less land; in the best location on the farm; and don't depend solely on veg sales for my income. I took a small chunk of the barn garden (where all crops turn to gold) ...
Join us for the 8th Annual Garlic Harvest: Aug 4 & 5
Hello Farm Folk, It's time for the 8th Annual Garlic Harvest, and we've got close to 50,000 bulbs of Persian, Korean, Italian, Russian, Israeli and 15 other varieties to harvest and hang in the barn to cure! Please join us for the garlic harvest on Sunday, August 4th, and/or Monday, ...
Core Volunteer Positions Available
Hello Farm Folk,The Backyard Farm & Market at Erin Mills (Mississauga), and our organic veggie farm in Sutton, are both currently accepting applicants for the following "Core Volunteer" positions for the 2013 season. Please forward to anyone who you think may be interested.The Backyard Farm & Market at Erin Mills ...
Volunteering at The Backyard & Farmer’s Market Grand Opening
Hello Farm Folk,The Backyard Farm & Market at Erin MillsThe Cutting Veg, Garden Jane, and The Daniels Corporation are hosting a new Farmer's Market in Erin Mills! Our Market will run every Saturday from 10am-2pm starting June 8th. Local farmers, producers and artisans alike will join our community food hub ...
4 days on the Farm in Mississauga: Join us!
Hello Farm Folk,I want to tell you about one of the coolest projects with which I've ever been involved. The Backyard Farm and Market at Erin Mills is a small, urban farm and farmers' market in Mississauga, Ontario. An urban agriculture hub for the GTA, The Backyard provides opportunities for ...
Farm Talk: Introducing our Baby Farmer
Hello Farm Folk,FARM UPDATEOn April 18th, we welcomed a new addition to the farm team. Terri, my wife, gave birth to our first child, a 7Lb, 11oz baby girl! It's been a challenging and remarkable first few weeks of the baby's life, and we're thrilled to say that at only ...
Sustainable Business Opportunity with Garden Jane and The Cutting Veg
2013 Garden Coaching Internships... and a Sustainable Business OpportunityGarden Jane (www.gardenjane.com) and The Cutting Veg have teamed up to offer an exciting, new Joint Internship Program. The internship program is targetted to those who want to deepen their community development and gardening skills, as well as their coaching skills. Ideally ...
Farm Talk: Looking back on the 2012 Season
Hello Farm Folk,Thank You for your SupportOn behalf of The Cutting Veg team, we would like to thank you for your incredible support this season. Whether it was your kind emails or words at the CSA, your help on the farm or with the CSA pick-up, the recipes your shared, ...
Farm Talk: Putting the Farm (and Farmers) to Bed
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielThe garlic is planted and mulched, the fields are fertilized. Most of the plants have withered and died, and our soil is blanketed with cover crops, straw, fallen leaves. One more week of harvesting, and some clean-up to do, before the core of the ...
Farm Talk: One Special Little Clove
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielThe garlic planting is complete! We set a goal of planting 50,000 cloves, but we hit 50,000 last Monday, and just kept on planting! In the end, we've planted approximately 57,000 cloves, which will become 57,000 bulbs next summer. All of our garlic is ...
Farm Talk: The Importance of Long Underwear
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielThe strength and resilience of plants never ceases to amaze. It's been frigid outside, so how is it that the arugula is so damn tasty, the kale has never looked better, and the carrots are slowly but surely sizing up? "It's cold," have been ...
Farm Talk: Autumn on the Farm
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielIt's a special time on the farm these days. The fall colours tantalize us as we dig potatoes. The temperate autumn air intoxicates, as we thin the carrots and turnips. Cardinals, Blue Jays, Geese, and the occasional Heron visit for their last times before ...
Farm Talk: Our 8th Annual Garlic Planting
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielA severe frost hit the farm in Sutton on Monday, wiping out our tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and other heat lovers. While it's always sad to say goodbye to some of our favourite crops for another year, we are grateful that the frost ...
Farm Talk: Our Favourite Problem
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielThis past week we were faced with our favourite problem. Too much veg to harvest! We were scrambling all week long to get the veg harvested and ready to send out to our beloved CSA members. But neither the volume of harvesting, nor working ...
Farm Talk: An Ode to Volunteers
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from KirstenAt this time of year, we’re gearing up for the final leg of our marathon season and looking to our Fall crops for abundance these last seven weeks. Our workload on the farm won’t be letting up any time soon but there is a feeling ...
Updates from our Donation Partners
Each week, The Cutting Veg donates fresh produce to 6 different community organisations. We asked them how our produce donations are impacting their communities, and here is what they told us: Elm Grove CSASutton Food Bank:“We really look forward to this time of the year - when we can distribute ...
Farm Talk: Celebrating Abundance
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer PaulPerhaps the best way to begin this Epistle is by introducing myself, I’m Farmer Paul the Field Manager at the Cutting Veg. This is my second season in this position working alongside Farmer Daniel. It is a pleasure to provide this week’s Farm Update ...
Farm Talk: Feeding the Soil
Hello Farm Folk,Farm UpdateWe are blessed with a beautiful sandy loam soil on our farm. Having worked with clay exclusively during my first decade of farming, I find the sandier soil to be a joy to work with. There is something very therapuetic about running one's hands through our sandy ...
Do you want a relationship with someone who is as passionate about a healthy lifestyle and caring for the planet as you are? Then, FarmDate is for you!What is FarmDate?Come spend a day on an organic farm, doing farm activities as you meet other singles.How will it work?In the speeddating ...
Directions to the Farm from Toronto
535 Catering Rd401E to 404N404N to Davis Drive (near Newmarket)East on Davis Drive to Hwy 48 (about 7 minutes on Davis Drive)North on 48 (for about 15 mins) to Ridgeview (this is just after the town of Baldwin)Left on RidgeviewFollow Ridgeview, and it will turn into Old Homestead RdTurn Right ...
Farm Talk: Reflections on this Farming Season
Hello Farm Folk,Farm UpdateApril/May rocked! Tons of seeds and seedlings planted in the ground. CSA Membership is at an all-time high. Staff & Intern team are phenomenal. Volunteers coming in droves. A lack of precipitation throughout, but a couple well-timed rains keep us happy. 8 crops look to be ready ...
Farm Talk: Cultivating a Landscape
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from CatherineAfter a week that brought us a perfect mix of sunshine, rain and moderate temperatures, our crops are looking happy and healthy. A few highlights: our tomato crop is bountiful, our zukes, beautiful, bright and full of flavour and our basil crop; so fragrant that ...
Farm Talk: Joys and Disappointments
Hello Farm Folk,Farm UpdateTo be an organic farmer is to get used to a steady diet of joys and disappointments. And we're getting loads of both these days! The joy of completing the garlic harvest (28,000 bulbs total). The disappointment that the peppers and eggplants are taking so long to ...
Farm Talk: Welcome to the Garlic Zone
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielWith the onset of the garlic harvest, we begin one of my favourite phases of the year. The Garlic Zone. We enter The Zone at the beginning of August, and don't exit until the end of October. It starts with the harvest. We started ...
Farm Talk: When it Rains, it Pours (HOORAY)
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update from Farmer DanielWhen it rains, it pours. And that's a good thing! The farm team has been euphoric over the past week, thanks to the multiple inches of rain we've received. I'm not sure what has been louder --- the sighs of relief from the team, ...
Farm Talk: Skydiving Without A Parachute
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update: There's a skydiving company near the farm, and a few of us were recently enjoying watching parachuters float through the air after leaping out of a plane. Suddenly, one of the jumper's parachutes burst. We watched in stunned silence as a man fell through the sky, ...
Former Cutting Veg Intern Launches Website for Growers
Distribution Platform And Operations Tracking For Agriculturalists: ExtraShareHi there, my name is Paolo and I'm a graduate of The Cutting Veg's intern program. While on the farm during the 2011 season, I was inspired and motivated to grow my own garden at home, and, with the knowledge I gained, was ...
Farm Talk: The Dog Days
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:We were in the potato patch this week (it's Friday afternoon, as I write this). Shaking the Colorado Potato Beetle into bins, only later to be killed. Either they eat, or we do. Lead Intern Tara teaches us respect, honour, humility, by praying with them, before we ...
Farm Talk: Dealing with Drought
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:Up until the glorious rains of Friday night, it had been many weeks since we'd had a good rain. On the farm, we minimize the amount of irrigating we do, not only to reduce water waste, but because there is nothing quite as beneficial to the health ...
Farm Talk: The Great One Minute Pea Race
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:Last week was another great one on the farm. Harvesting remains our primary focus, taking up much of our days. We spent well over 150 human hours in the Snow Pea and Snap Pea patch alone last week! A relentless job, but with peas in season for ...
Farm Talk: In the Zone
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:Following two grueling farming seasons which included lousy harvests, financial peril, and burnout, we continue to revel in how well things are going this season. This week CSA members will receive, among other crops, carrots, snow peas, snap peas, and Swiss chard. This is the earliest we ...
Farm Talk: June on the Farm
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:Over the course of the farming season, there are no light weeks --- no down time. Yet, June is certainly the most demanding month of the year on the farm. While we continue with planting our crops, the weeding needs also increase, and we must integrate harvesting ...
Farm Talk: Happy Plants and Planters
Hello Farm Folk,Farm Update:The crops are continuing to thrive on the farm. The peas, kale, chard, and greenhouse carrots are all flourishing, and should be ready for harvest with the next few weeks. Our newly planted perennials --- the strawberries, asparagus, chives, and oregano --- have all taken root, and ...
Farm Talk: CSA starts this week!
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Update:Sometimes farming can be harsh and cruel (see 2010 & 2011). And sometimes, it's pure joy and satisfaction. The crops are thriving, the team is happy, the weather has been kind. As we walk through our 11 acres of mixed veg, we can't help but feel ...
Farm Talk: The Asparagus Pension Plan
Hi Farm Folk,Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Update:Our CSA starts the first week of June --- only two weeks away! The crops are doing amazing, and CSA members have a lot of local, organic yumminess to look forward to. We're so excited by the health and abundance of our crops, including ...
Two Daniels — Rabbi & Organic Farmer — Trade Jobs
A Rabbi and a Farmer meet in a coffee shop. Both are named Daniel. The Rabbi says to the Farmer, “What if we traded jobs for a day?” One year later, they traded jobs, and this is what they learned:Rabbi Daniel:Every day is an adventure for a Rabbi! Last week, ...
Our Irresistible Offer
Thinking about joining our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program this season? Here's the deal: You Get...22 weeks of local, organic produce, from June to October, picked-up at a depot near you Incredible Flavour Enhanced physical/mental/emotional/spiritual health To promote positive values for your kids Access to all kinds of other local ...
Farm Talk: Choosing Health and Happiness
Hello Farm Folk,Please help us to spread the word about our farm and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, by forwarding this newsletter, or by sharing this link: www.thecuttingveg.com/CSA. Thanks for your support!Farm Update:Who knows what tomorrow will bring? But today, on the farm, everything is right on track. The last ...
Farm Talk: Sewing Seeds in Heaven
Hey Farm Folk, Farm Update: I spent all of Sunday on the farm, and it was pure heaven. Working with Lead Intern Tom, and Core Volunteer Yuan, we planted onions from 7am-3pm. The sandy soil at our farm in Sutton feels so good to the touch. When planting onions, I ...
Farm Talk: April on the Farm
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Update: As veggie growers, we aim to start planting as early as possible. There's so much planting to do in spring, and if we can get a jumpstart on it in early April, we'll be able to harvest earlier, while reducing our May/June stress level. Planting ...
A Yummy & Meaningful Choice
Hello Veggie Lovers, The Cutting Veg is thrilled to offer another year of freshly harvested, local, organic produce through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program! Things to know: A CSA is a mutually beneficial partnership in which individuals or families receive fresh, local, organically grown produce weekly, while supporting local ...
Farm Talk: Exciting Plans for 2012!
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Hello Farm Folk, With the core of the farming season now complete, this will be our last weekly edition of "Farm Talk" for 2011. We will be in touch periodically throughout the winter, to let you know how plans for the 2012 season are progressing. Farm Update: The CSAs are ...
Farm Talk: The Garlic Planting is Done!
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Update: The Garlic planting is done! Over the course of the last two weeks, we have managed to plant 24 beds (approx 150ft x 4ft), including 19 different varieties. And we surpassed our goal of 40,000 cloves planted, totaling approximately 45,000. Starting with 100 bulbs in ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: Join us for the Garlic Planting!
Hey Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hey Farm Folk, Volunteers Needed for Tuesday: We are looking for volunteers to help with the harvest on this Tuesday, Sept. 20th. We will be on the farm in Brampton, from 6:30am-3:30pm. If you can make it, please rsvp to jessica.gibson81@gmail.com, and let her know if you need directions to ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: Fall Planting
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: The Garlic Story
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Update: The Garlic Story In 2005, we launched the Global Garlic Project with 100 bulbs. 10 bulbs each of 10 different varieties: Persian, Thai, Tibetan, Korean, Italian, Sicilian, Ukrainian, Russian, Yugoslavian, and Salt Spring Island. As 1 bulb has on average 6 cloves, we planted our ...
Farm Talk: Preserving the Harvest
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: The Garlic Harvest is Done!
Hello Farm Folk, Podcast: Check out episode 4 of The Cutting Veg Podcast "Flowers", as Eric discovers the power that flowers offer in courtship: http://www.thecuttingveg.com/podcast Farm Update: Thanks to the hard work of our amazing team of volunteers, interns, and staff, we completed the garlic harvest on Monday. We now ...
Farm Talk: The Raindance
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Photos: Check out some recent photos of the farm and our veg at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ Farm Update: The Garlic harvest is going great so far! We've harvested 14 beds (100ft x 4ft), or approximately 15,000 bulbs. Only 10,000 or so to go! When distributing our garlic, we ...
Farm Talk: The Garlic Harvest is coming!
Hey Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: “Weeds” the podcast
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk: My 2 Toughest Farming Seasons are…
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
Farm Talk
Hey Farm Folk, Please help others to learn about what we are up to, and how to get involved: 1. Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Follow us at @thecuttingveg; 2. Facebook: Like us at http://on.fb.me/iTSbQQ, 3. E-mail this newsletter to anyone who may be interested; 4. Share the link to this newsletter (http://bit.ly/ga5Am0) ...
CSA Farm Talk
Hello CSA members, Just a reminder that this week the pick-up will be Monday, 2:30-6:30, due to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. This will be the only time during the season that our CSA doesn't happen on a Tuesday. Farm Update: Thank goodness for the sun and heat over the ...
CSA Farm Talk: Week 1 is here!
Hello CSA Members, Welcome to the CSA Journey --- The Cutting Veg team is thrilled to be sharing it with you! Each week you will receive this e-newsletter "CSA Farm Talk." This will keep you up-to-date with what's happening on the farm, provide recipes, inform about volunteer opportunities, and let ...
Volunteer Opportunities
Hello Farm Folk,Within The Cutting Veg community, our volunteer program is very important to us. All of our volunteers benefit in a variety of ways, including learning farm and/or market skills, being part of community of like-minded people, veggies to take home each shift, exercise and time outdoors, etc. We ...
How can you make a difference?:
At The Cutting Veg, we try to inspire and support people to take action in their relationship with food to improve their quality of life, while making a difference. A healthy world starts with healthy lifestyles. Here are a couple options of how you can take action to enhance your ...
After what seems like endless rains, the farm team is thrilled with this stretch of warm, sunny weather! Our crops that are in the ground are thriving --- Salad Greens, Asian Greens, Onions, Arugula, etc --- and we're tilling up new land as we speak. Our CSA starts in just ...
Farm Talk: Garden Coaching, Podcast, CSAs!
Hello Farm Folk, Introducing The Cutting Veg Podcast: We are thrilled to present "Seeds" --- episode 1 of The Cutting Veg podcast We will be offering a new podcast every month or two, as a different way to explore some of the current themes and issues within local, organic agriculture ...
Farm Talk: The Joy of Planting
Farm Update After wondering all winter where the early planting would occur (would it take place at the farm in Brampton, or at the newly acquired land in Sutton?), the answer emerged last week. With both acreages too wet to till, we settled on a third option. After reading our ...
Farm Talk
Hello Farm Folk, Farm Update: Visited the farm yesterday for the first time since we stopped farming in early November. It was lovely to see the twenty-six 100ft garlic beds again. The straw mulch has held up well over the winter (hasn't blown away), and the garlic plants are just ...
Why do people join a CSA?
"Thank you!!! The vegetables are delicious. It's wonderful to know where they come from and to feel confident that they were grown with the well being of the consumers and the land in mind." ~2010 CSA Member Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a mutually beneficial partnership in which individuals or ...
Garlic Q & A
James: hey Dan - I'm planning on growing some garlic this year - do you recommend any varieties/sources for good raw eating/medicinal....I'm living in zone 2 to 4 range...hot, dry summer but have water on the land - thx dude!Daniel: Hey James. Great to hear from you. All local, organic ...
The April Question
Hey Farm Folk, Farm Update: While most gardeners in Southern Ontario associate the May long weekend with planting time, the planting schedule is quite different for veggie farmers. We look for the first planting opportunity in April to get seeds in the ground. With an early-mid April planting, we can ...
Community Supported Agriculture in the GTA!
Hello Farm Folk, The Cutting Veg is thrilled to offer another year of freshly harvested, local, organic produce through our Four Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) locations in the GTA! A CSA is a mutually beneficial partnership in which individuals or families receive fresh, local, organically grown produce weekly, while supporting ...
Winter Planning
Hey Farm Folk,Former Cutting Veg Intern launches her own farm "Close to Home Organic CSA": When Rowena Cruz applied for an Internship position with The Cutting Veg, I knew she would be a star. Her passion for farming was palpable. Now, a year later, Rowena has graduated from The Cutting ...
Celebrate International Pollinator Week! June 21-27, 2010!
Bees, butterflies, birds and bats are essential actors in our gardens, farms and wild areas. They are the pollinators that help co-produce fruit, vegetables, seeds and flowers. It is estimated that one out of every three bites should be attributed to a pollinator. Honey bee and wild bee populations are ...
15,000 bulbs of global garlic are here!
The Cutting Veg's Global Garlic Project is in full flow. With the help of numerous volunteers and our fantastic intern team, Daniel's garlic vision is a reality. We have Persian, Israeli, German, Saltspring Island, Korean, Italian and other varieties drying in the 100 year old McVean Farm. If you want ...
Pest Management:
With the wave of heat that came two weeks ago, a wave of pests coincided. Most notable have been the Colorado Potato Beetle and Aphids. People often ask how we deal with pests on the farm, so here is a brief overview. On the farm, we take a three-pronged approach ...
Farmers in training
Here is a glimpse of some of the interns who are learning how to feed the Earth, themselves and others through the Cutting Veg Internship ...
Garlic Scape Goodness
It's that time of year again-Garlic Scape harvest time! What is a garlic scape you ask? The scape is the stem from which the seed head of the bulb is formed. As the bulb grows and matures (and we have 15,000 of them!), garlic stalks begin to lengthen and curve ...
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Homegrown Lunch --- prepared by Farm Intern Carolina MacDonald, and made from The Cutting Veg produce, ...
Early summer at the Cutting Veg
View from the garlic fieldsOnions and kale are great companionsGarlic and the McVean BarnBaby tomatoesDaniel planting onions ...
Sewing Seeds of Growth
Farming is constantly providing metaphors for life. Thanks to the hard work of the Interns and the volunteers, things are going super well on the farm. The mid-April to mid-June planting fest has been a big success, and we have tons of crops in the ground. The salad greens, peas, ...
Spring Farming and The Spiritual Toolbox
Hey Farm Folks,While running a farm requires the use of a variety of farm tools, it equally requires drawing upon one's spiritual toolbox. At this time of year, most farmers are dying to get into the fields and plant up a storm. The earlier one gets seeds and plants in ...
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Kosher for Passover Recipes --- Emily Van HalemAs someone with a lot of food sensitivities, my extended family always gets a bit stressed out when I visit. “If she doesn’t eat meat, dairy, eggs, wheat or sugar…what DOES she eat?” The problem is compounded at Passover when legumes and many ...
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Local Food Fever- Emily Van Halem -Spring has sprung and with that comes a buzz of excitement in the foodie circles over the arrival of local asparagus, fiddleheads and early spring greens. It’s an exciting time for locavores and any minute now the “Buy Ontario Freshness” ads will be popping ...
Farm Talk — Introducing the 2009 Interns!
Hey Farm Folk, Although we're still in the heart of February, there's lots of signs that the farming season is around the corner. Seeds are arriving at my door from seed companies, last years potatoes and onions are starting to sprout, grass and plants are emerging from underneath snow. Thus, ...
Welcome to my blog
You can subscribe to this blog via RSS or e-mail, or if you are receiving it via e-mail, you can visit the blog site to read other posts and leave comments ...